AKBINGO 100915

AKBINGO for this week brought back a few challenges that was used before last time…

I will not mention the first challenge and immediately jump to the next one because Takamina is involved in it.

The next challenge is about trying to make a few members laugh with their milk still inside their mouth and then they will spill out out the milk.There are some props on the table for them to use,the more people spill out the milk will be the winner.

I think this is really a funny drawing (laugh)

Unfortunately Takamina did not get to make all of them to spill out the milk and only one but everyone were actually praising her for a few funny acts she made.

But if really want me to say it…i think Kojiharu did the best because even that she did not do anything much,she made 3 or 4 people spill out the milk already.

And don’t forget to order Takahashi Minami photo book if you have not.

2 responses to “AKBINGO 100915

  1. yah i agree haruna really take the upper hand XD even the research club? also said that ‘just be looking at her it’s funny’ i totally laugh at that part and even though she did nothing at first 2 person already spilled their milk LOLs
    i especially love it when she make the super chibi wooden doll as takamina XD

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